As of mid December 2022 PADI stopped providing physical certification cards to new graduates of the Open Water program.  Instead divers are given a digital cert card that they can access through their online accounts.

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Many questions can be quickly answered with our FAQs.

Below you will find answers to the most popular and common questions

eLearning Academics

eLearning Expires?
My PADI eLearning® program indicates it is “expired” and will not let me continue. What does this mean? PADI eLearning programs are valid for 12 months from the time you first log on. Prior to the end of this 12-month period, you’re reminded via email at 90 days and again at 60 days before the expiration date. If you let your PADI eLearning program expire, please contact your affiliated PADI Dive Center or Resort to discuss options for completing your training. What is a PADI eLearning Gift Pass?
Troubleshoot eLearning
There is only so much that we at Scuba Fusion can do to help you troubleshoot eLearning problems. Below is some helpful information that usually helps. First thing to do is clear your browser cache. We have found that clearing the browser cache of your device solves most issues with eLearning. More solutions: I’m having problems registering for eLearning. What may be the cause? Problems are typically caused by one of the following: Using a mobile device? Internet connectivity is required to create your account and register for eLearning. It is also required to submit your knowledge development, quiz, and final exam scores; be sure you are connected to the internet before attempting to do any of these. Using Internet Explorer? The PADI eLearning system is not compatible with the 64-bit version of Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser. If you are using the 64-bit version (versus the 32-bit version) of Explorer, please update your browser or download an alternate browser – recommended browsers are Chrome Internet Explorer, Safari (for Mac), or Firefox. Got a firewall? Corporate proxy or company firewalls will also cause difficulties. The solution is to register from your home computer. In some cases, you’ll need to close your browser completely – exit and close the browser as opposed to only closing the tab or window – and try again. Restart your browser and go to PADI eLearning for students to complete the registration process. If the steps above don’t solve the problem, please contact us using our contact page or try PADI directly: PADI Americas: customerservice@padi.com PADI Canada: customerservice@padi.com PADI Asia Pacific: certsdep@padi.com.au PADI Europe, Middle East and Africa: customerservices.emea@padi.com The name on my eLearning account is misspelled. How can I change it? Please contact your local PADI Regional Headquartes to correct the spelling of your name (please allow 5-10 business days): PADI Americas: customerservice@padi.com PADI Canada: customerservice@padi.com PADI Asia Pacific: certsdep@padi.com.au PADI Europe, Middle East and Africa: customerservices.emea@padi.com The email address associated with my eLearning account is misspelled. How can I change it? Please contact your local PADI Reginal Headquarters to correct your email address. Only minor spelling mistakes can be corrected. You can not transfer from one email account to another email account (please allow 5-10 business days): PADI Americas: customerservice@padi.com PADI Canada: customerservice@padi.com PADI Asia Pacific: certsdep@padi.com.au PADI Europe, Middle East and Africa: customerservices.emea@padi.com I need to change the language of my PADI eLearning program. How can I do this? Please contact your local PADI Reginal Headquarters to change to your PADI eLearning program to a different language, if available (please allow 1-2 business days): PADI Americas: customerservice@padi.com PADI Canada: customerservice@padi.com PADI Asia Pacific: certsdep@padi.com.au PADI Europe, Middle East and Africa: customerservices.emea@padi.com I want to change the PADI Dive Center or Resort associated with my eLearning account. Can I do this? Once registered, you can’t change the PADI Dive Center or Resort associated with your online program. However, the eRecord you receive when you complete your online study is accepted by any PADI Dive Center, Resort or Instructor worldwide. Where you complete your training is your choice, so it’s not necessary to change the store or instructor associated with your eLearning account. My PADI eLearning® program indicates it is “expired” and will not let me continue. What does this mean? PADI eLearning programs are valid for 12 months from the time you first log on. Prior to the end of this 12-month period, you’re reminded via email at 90 days and again at 60 days before the expiration date. If you let your PADI eLearning program expire, please contact your affiliated PADI Dive Center or Resort to discuss options for completing your training. Still have questions? Please contact your local PADI Dive Center or Resort or contact your local PADI Regional Headquarters: PADI Americas: customerservice@padi.com PADI Canada: customerservice@padi.com PADI Asia Pacific: certsdep@padi.com.au PADI Europe, Middle East and Africa: customerservices.emea@padi.com

Monterey Questions

Do I need a swim suit?
Yes! You must bring a swimsuit to your scuba program. Divers generally wear swimsuits under wetsuits at the pool but also at Monterey. You will need a swimsuit for the pool training and also the swim evaluation. The swim evaluation will be completed at the pool either Saturday or Sunday. Swim Evaluation: You don’t need to be a strong swimmer or an athlete to scuba dive, but some degree of comfort in the water certainly helps.The PADI swim test or swim evaluation will be conducted at the pool. Divers will demonstrate that they can comfortably maintain themselves in water too deep in which to stand by completing a 10-minute swim/ float without using any swim aids. Candidates will also complete a 200 metre/yard continuous surface swim or a 300 metre/ yard swim with mask, fins and snorkel. The test is pass or fail but can be retaken at the next available pool class – the first retake is free of charge.
Do people fail SCUBA Certification


The PADI Scuba class and pool program as well as the ocean checkout dives program are both pass or fail program. The staff at Scuba Fusion would love to guarantee successful graduation of every student. However, it is just not possible to do that. What they promise do is facilitate a comfortable learning environment engineered and standardaized by PADI (the training agency) to give each student a reasonable block of time to learn the basic skills needed to graduate. Statistically speaking diving is a very safe activity. However, it can be an unforgiving activity. Therefore each student must reach a certain degree of comfort in each of the three portions of the course; Academics, Pool and Ocean Dives. The training fees do not purchase certification and are non-refundable. Referral paperwork and or the certification card is provided as a graduation present and does not need to be purchased.

Q & A with instructors:

What are some of the reasons people fail this program?

Showing up with poorly fitted borrowed gear that grand dad gave them from his days as a see bee. Older gear that pre-dates the Mesozoic era is dangerous.  Innovations have been made that increase diver safety as well as comfort.   Leave the old gear at home this is not an episode of The Antiques Road Show. Not starting/completing homework or eLearning before the first class session is a bigger deal than people think!  The homework/eLearning really gives people a clear idea of what to expect and really prepares them to receive instruction.  There are quizzes and exams that are taken during class sessions – the final exam is pass or fail. Not coming to the store 7 – 14 days before class begins to pickup student materials (homework)  size instructional gear and to size personal gear.  There is no time to do this the morning of first class. There is a short period for lunch and you need to eat before spending 3-4 hours in a pool.  Your instructor needs a break and he/she will be at lunch and not fitting you for boots and fins during their lunch break because you couldn’t find a little time in your schedule to visit the store.  Come to the store and get prepared 7-14 days prior to your program. Choosing not to wear one of our wetsuits during the pool sessions.  Our suits are included for you to use at no charge.  Yes, the pool is heated but after 3 hours in the water even the toughest guy will be shivering.  We have had people drop out because of this bravado tough guy nonsense. Answering “yes” to a question on the PADI medical questionnaire and then showing up to class without having a signed waiver from a doctor.  Understand that your instructor is a independent contractor who follows the rules set fourth by PADI and not the store you are taking lessons with – Scuba Fusion has no say in this matter.  Your instructor cannot instruct you without a waiver.  If there are all “no” answers on the medical then you do not need a waiver.  This PADI standard has created “drama” more times than once for our store.  Please don’t be like the last nice family of three sent home at the first class meeting.  Their trip to Maui was scheduled for three days later. Buying cheap costco wallmart masks and fins has got to be our biggest pet peeve.  The instructors do not get commissions for selling masks and fins.  We want you to have good gear for safety reasons and to better your chances of having a great first diving experience.   This is not a snorkeling class in Maui. You will be training to depths of up to 60ft wearing heavy diving gear. Proper fitting gear is critical in this sport.  Your personal gear is life support and you need to try it out in a pool before going to the ocean for your checkout dives.  Work out the bugs using the gear you purchase from us (you can exchange it) Plastic lens masks and flimsy child sized snorkeling fins will not do for a scuba course. Saving $20 on a cheap pair of fins is not worth it when they fall off deep below the ocean’s surface.  Buy from the Scuba Fusion store!  You can exchange the gear during the program.    Your instructor will encourage you to do this.  Most students will swap out their first mask or fins set during the first weekend to correct issues such as leaking mask or fins hurting their ankles.   Again, students of Scuba Fusion can exchange purchased personal gear or take store credit.  You cannot know how a mask will fit until you are in the water.  (Policy good for Scuba Fusion students only during the class/pool portion of the Open Water Course). Not being able to swim!  You don’t need to be a strong swimmer or an athlete to scuba dive, but some degree of comfort in the water certainly helps. The PADI swim test or swim evaluation will be conducted at the pool. Divers will demonstrate that they can comfortably maintain themselves in water too deep in which to stand by completing a 10-minute swim/ float without using any swim aids. Candidates will also complete a 200 metre/yard continuous surface swim or a 300 metre/ yard swim with mask, fins and snorkel. The test is pass or fail but can be retaken at the next available pool class – the first retake is free of charge.  We want you to pass the swim eval and are there to coach you through it with some good proven methods. Showing up late repeatedly!  We get it, the discover resort try out scuba class you took in Maui last year didn’t care if you were late or even showed up with a Chi-Chi in your hand during instruction.  Here for certification courses the class sessions, pool dives and ocean dives are part of a carefully structured learning process established by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI). The sessions are sequential meaning that if you are absent for the first you cannot participate in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th. Your instructor has been scheduled and compensated to facilitate the program during the hours of your published schedule and no more. Conducting a class pool program and or open water dive weekend is a difficult task requiring time and energy. If you feel that you may be late contact us and we can talk about solutions – additional fees may apply. Not learning to setup and check their personal and instructional gear.  It is your responsibility to learn to set up scuba during this program.  Not your girlfriend, boyfriend, sister, mom, dad, son, daughter, brother, uncle, gran dad, partner, wife, husband, the person who talked you into taking the class or anybody not listed (especially Bob).  Standards are clear you need to be the one setting up your scuba gear and your instructor will check.
Minimum age requirement is 12!
Due to supervisory ratios and standards set fourth by the RSTC and our own concerns for the safety and well-being of your children – the minimum age to take the Scuba Fusion referral or certification program is 12 years of age. Elsewhere in the world there are many children’s programs for children at age 8 to start to get a taste of scuba diving under strict supervision and depths not exceeding 6 feet (2m) of water. This is typically done in a pool. In general, children must be 10-12 years old to be certified as “junior” divers, who may dive only under restricted conditions, such as limited depth and supervision by a scuba professional or certified adult diver. At 15, students receive the same certification as adult divers.
Can I bring family and friends to my program?
Yes, and No. Happy to have family and friends assisting or providing moral support to a student during the Open Water Course. However, guests are not welcome into the water to participate or assist in any part of the PADI Open Water Diver Course. Come to the pool, come to the beach and hangout but don't get in the water. Guests are not licensed or insured to teach the PADI Open Water Course. By assisting they place themselves and the instructor in an unfavorable litigious position. It is also a clear violation of agency standards to have non professionally licensed assistance in class, pool or ocean sessions. Again, this places the instructor and dive school into an unfavorable legal position and may jeopardize their teaching credentials.  The Scuba Fusion Dive Center AND its instructors reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Exception: A guest can dive by purchasing a refresher program so they can participate in pool dives and or they can purchase the ocean dives program and then be paired with their friend while in Monterey. This way the instructor and guest/student are in a safe and legal umbrella. Instructor's opinion: "Thank you but we do not need your help.  Help by cheering them on from the pool deck and beach."
Is a Hotel needed for Monterey?
Should I get a hotel in Monterey for this course? It depends on the course you are taking. Monterey is a two hour drive from San Mateo. For the beginner open water dives We recommend staying in a hotel at least Saturday night and also Friday night if you have the means. Monterey is a good 2 hour drive from San Mateo and the class meeting time is usually 7am. It can be hard to wake up and make the drive down and back and down and back again. You will really want to get a hotel for the Advanced course. This is because the course usually has a night dive that ends late Saturday night. The boat leaves harbor usually very early the next morning for the boat dives. Single day tours and other courses will depend on the schedule. Be aware Monterey is an event town and hotel prices tend to be very high during certain times of the year. Monterey is host to auto shows, motorcycle races and air shows. Book your hotel early and coordinate your class dates appropriately. Our class programming schedules are setup months in advance. We unfortunately cannot reschedule our class dates around events that are happening in Monterey – but you can always choose a different weekend. Understand the hotel’s cancellation policy. Courses are sometimes canceled due to weather. Can’t find a hotel in Monterey: Try outlying towns such as Salinas, or Santa Cruz. Or you can always drive back after the classes but we don’t recommend it. There are a lot of great tools out there today to help you find a place to stay such as www.expedia.com, www.priceline.com, www.Google.com and tripadvisor. The address of the Breakwater dive site is 32 Cannery Row 93940.
Is Monterey Cold Water Diving for me?
We love to dive in beautiful tropicalesque Monterey. It’s just a 90 minute drive from San Mateo. And on a hot summer’s day with crystal clear water it is akin to a day on the beach in Hawaii. However, it can be a difficult learning experience for beginner students who are not comfortable in the ocean, are extremely prone to seasickness, or are claustrophobic. Thicker wetsuits, gloves, and heavier weight load outs make learning to dive there challenging. Your instructor will elaborate during the course. Students can change their minds about going to Monterey at any time during the course. Your instructor will inform you during the pool session(s) as to weather or not you should attempt Monterey the first time out. Many will complete their ocean dives and gain experience in a more comfortable environment (Hawaii) and then return to dive with us in Monterey in the form of a tour dive or advanced diving program. Warning: Listen carefully to your instructor during class and pool sessions. He/she will give you important feedback and help make the decision on weather or not Monterey is for you.

Pool Questions

Do I need a swim suit?
Yes! You must bring a swimsuit to your scuba program. Divers generally wear swimsuits under wetsuits at the pool but also at Monterey. You will need a swimsuit for the pool training and also the swim evaluation. The swim evaluation will be completed at the pool either Saturday or Sunday. Swim Evaluation: You don’t need to be a strong swimmer or an athlete to scuba dive, but some degree of comfort in the water certainly helps.The PADI swim test or swim evaluation will be conducted at the pool. Divers will demonstrate that they can comfortably maintain themselves in water too deep in which to stand by completing a 10-minute swim/ float without using any swim aids. Candidates will also complete a 200 metre/yard continuous surface swim or a 300 metre/ yard swim with mask, fins and snorkel. The test is pass or fail but can be retaken at the next available pool class – the first retake is free of charge.
Minimum age requirement is 12!
Due to supervisory ratios and standards set fourth by the RSTC and our own concerns for the safety and well-being of your children – the minimum age to take the Scuba Fusion referral or certification program is 12 years of age. Elsewhere in the world there are many children’s programs for children at age 8 to start to get a taste of scuba diving under strict supervision and depths not exceeding 6 feet (2m) of water. This is typically done in a pool. In general, children must be 10-12 years old to be certified as “junior” divers, who may dive only under restricted conditions, such as limited depth and supervision by a scuba professional or certified adult diver. At 15, students receive the same certification as adult divers.
Can I bring family and friends to my program?
Yes, and No. Happy to have family and friends assisting or providing moral support to a student during the Open Water Course. However, guests are not welcome into the water to participate or assist in any part of the PADI Open Water Diver Course. Come to the pool, come to the beach and hangout but don't get in the water. Guests are not licensed or insured to teach the PADI Open Water Course. By assisting they place themselves and the instructor in an unfavorable litigious position. It is also a clear violation of agency standards to have non professionally licensed assistance in class, pool or ocean sessions. Again, this places the instructor and dive school into an unfavorable legal position and may jeopardize their teaching credentials.  The Scuba Fusion Dive Center AND its instructors reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Exception: A guest can dive by purchasing a refresher program so they can participate in pool dives and or they can purchase the ocean dives program and then be paired with their friend while in Monterey. This way the instructor and guest/student are in a safe and legal umbrella. Instructor's opinion: "Thank you but we do not need your help.  Help by cheering them on from the pool deck and beach."
What if I Fail?
Yes! The PADI Scuba certification is a pass or fail program. The staff at Scuba Fusion would love to guarantee successful graduation of every student. However, it is just not possible to do that. What they can do is facilitate a comfortable learning environment engineered and provided by PADI to give each student a reasonable block of time to learn the basic skills needed to graduate. The training fees do not purchase certification and are non-refundable. The certification card is provided as a graduation present and does not need to be purchased. Statistically speaking diving is a very safe activity. However, it can be an unforgiving activity. Therefore each student must reach a certain degree of comfort in each of the three portions of the course; Academics, Pool and Ocean Dives.

Beginner Program

What is the cost of a scuba class price?
To find out the price of a scuba class use our website www.scubafusion.com and drill down to the individual class that you booked or are booking.  Up to date pricing will be found there. Our certification scuba programs are designed to achieve a balance between quality and price. They are priced competitively with neighboring stores ranging from Marin down to San Jose. They are packed with two complete days of training, 6 hours pool time, equipment assembly sessions, small student to instructor ratios, Instructional Equipment, a full-time staff dedicated to just teaching you to scuba and so much more. Scuba Fusion is a PADI dive center that is focused on scuba diving and scuba instruction. We have no hidden charges or “Gotchas” at Scuba Fusion. Be careful of complicated pricing structures that purposely give vague descriptions of what’s included and not. Programs advertised at lower than market prices will inevitably frustrate when you discover the extra $$ needed to finish the program. Savvy sales people and dishonest marketing will all turn you away from learning to dive. We want you to dive! Our pricing is 100% upfront competitive and honest.
Do I need a swim suit?
Yes! You must bring a swimsuit to your scuba program. Divers generally wear swimsuits under wetsuits at the pool but also at Monterey. You will need a swimsuit for the pool training and also the swim evaluation. The swim evaluation will be completed at the pool either Saturday or Sunday. Swim Evaluation: You don’t need to be a strong swimmer or an athlete to scuba dive, but some degree of comfort in the water certainly helps.The PADI swim test or swim evaluation will be conducted at the pool. Divers will demonstrate that they can comfortably maintain themselves in water too deep in which to stand by completing a 10-minute swim/ float without using any swim aids. Candidates will also complete a 200 metre/yard continuous surface swim or a 300 metre/ yard swim with mask, fins and snorkel. The test is pass or fail but can be retaken at the next available pool class – the first retake is free of charge.
Do people fail SCUBA Certification


The PADI Scuba class and pool program as well as the ocean checkout dives program are both pass or fail program. The staff at Scuba Fusion would love to guarantee successful graduation of every student. However, it is just not possible to do that. What they promise do is facilitate a comfortable learning environment engineered and standardaized by PADI (the training agency) to give each student a reasonable block of time to learn the basic skills needed to graduate. Statistically speaking diving is a very safe activity. However, it can be an unforgiving activity. Therefore each student must reach a certain degree of comfort in each of the three portions of the course; Academics, Pool and Ocean Dives. The training fees do not purchase certification and are non-refundable. Referral paperwork and or the certification card is provided as a graduation present and does not need to be purchased.

Q & A with instructors:

What are some of the reasons people fail this program?

Showing up with poorly fitted borrowed gear that grand dad gave them from his days as a see bee. Older gear that pre-dates the Mesozoic era is dangerous.  Innovations have been made that increase diver safety as well as comfort.   Leave the old gear at home this is not an episode of The Antiques Road Show. Not starting/completing homework or eLearning before the first class session is a bigger deal than people think!  The homework/eLearning really gives people a clear idea of what to expect and really prepares them to receive instruction.  There are quizzes and exams that are taken during class sessions – the final exam is pass or fail. Not coming to the store 7 – 14 days before class begins to pickup student materials (homework)  size instructional gear and to size personal gear.  There is no time to do this the morning of first class. There is a short period for lunch and you need to eat before spending 3-4 hours in a pool.  Your instructor needs a break and he/she will be at lunch and not fitting you for boots and fins during their lunch break because you couldn’t find a little time in your schedule to visit the store.  Come to the store and get prepared 7-14 days prior to your program. Choosing not to wear one of our wetsuits during the pool sessions.  Our suits are included for you to use at no charge.  Yes, the pool is heated but after 3 hours in the water even the toughest guy will be shivering.  We have had people drop out because of this bravado tough guy nonsense. Answering “yes” to a question on the PADI medical questionnaire and then showing up to class without having a signed waiver from a doctor.  Understand that your instructor is a independent contractor who follows the rules set fourth by PADI and not the store you are taking lessons with – Scuba Fusion has no say in this matter.  Your instructor cannot instruct you without a waiver.  If there are all “no” answers on the medical then you do not need a waiver.  This PADI standard has created “drama” more times than once for our store.  Please don’t be like the last nice family of three sent home at the first class meeting.  Their trip to Maui was scheduled for three days later. Buying cheap costco wallmart masks and fins has got to be our biggest pet peeve.  The instructors do not get commissions for selling masks and fins.  We want you to have good gear for safety reasons and to better your chances of having a great first diving experience.   This is not a snorkeling class in Maui. You will be training to depths of up to 60ft wearing heavy diving gear. Proper fitting gear is critical in this sport.  Your personal gear is life support and you need to try it out in a pool before going to the ocean for your checkout dives.  Work out the bugs using the gear you purchase from us (you can exchange it) Plastic lens masks and flimsy child sized snorkeling fins will not do for a scuba course. Saving $20 on a cheap pair of fins is not worth it when they fall off deep below the ocean’s surface.  Buy from the Scuba Fusion store!  You can exchange the gear during the program.    Your instructor will encourage you to do this.  Most students will swap out their first mask or fins set during the first weekend to correct issues such as leaking mask or fins hurting their ankles.   Again, students of Scuba Fusion can exchange purchased personal gear or take store credit.  You cannot know how a mask will fit until you are in the water.  (Policy good for Scuba Fusion students only during the class/pool portion of the Open Water Course). Not being able to swim!  You don’t need to be a strong swimmer or an athlete to scuba dive, but some degree of comfort in the water certainly helps. The PADI swim test or swim evaluation will be conducted at the pool. Divers will demonstrate that they can comfortably maintain themselves in water too deep in which to stand by completing a 10-minute swim/ float without using any swim aids. Candidates will also complete a 200 metre/yard continuous surface swim or a 300 metre/ yard swim with mask, fins and snorkel. The test is pass or fail but can be retaken at the next available pool class – the first retake is free of charge.  We want you to pass the swim eval and are there to coach you through it with some good proven methods. Showing up late repeatedly!  We get it, the discover resort try out scuba class you took in Maui last year didn’t care if you were late or even showed up with a Chi-Chi in your hand during instruction.  Here for certification courses the class sessions, pool dives and ocean dives are part of a carefully structured learning process established by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI). The sessions are sequential meaning that if you are absent for the first you cannot participate in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th. Your instructor has been scheduled and compensated to facilitate the program during the hours of your published schedule and no more. Conducting a class pool program and or open water dive weekend is a difficult task requiring time and energy. If you feel that you may be late contact us and we can talk about solutions – additional fees may apply. Not learning to setup and check their personal and instructional gear.  It is your responsibility to learn to set up scuba during this program.  Not your girlfriend, boyfriend, sister, mom, dad, son, daughter, brother, uncle, gran dad, partner, wife, husband, the person who talked you into taking the class or anybody not listed (especially Bob).  Standards are clear you need to be the one setting up your scuba gear and your instructor will check.
Minimum age requirement is 12!
Due to supervisory ratios and standards set fourth by the RSTC and our own concerns for the safety and well-being of your children – the minimum age to take the Scuba Fusion referral or certification program is 12 years of age. Elsewhere in the world there are many children’s programs for children at age 8 to start to get a taste of scuba diving under strict supervision and depths not exceeding 6 feet (2m) of water. This is typically done in a pool. In general, children must be 10-12 years old to be certified as “junior” divers, who may dive only under restricted conditions, such as limited depth and supervision by a scuba professional or certified adult diver. At 15, students receive the same certification as adult divers.
Too young too old?
You must be 12 or older to take this program at Scuba Fusion. Scuba diving is a nondiscriminatory activity. Anyone with the physical ability to handle the equipment and the emotional maturity to comprehend the rules and take responsibility for his or her safety and that of his dive buddy, can scuba dive safely and enjoyably. There is no upper age limit on learning to scuba dive. Certain conditions my preclude those of any age from diving, temporarily or permanently, especially conditions associated with lung functions. As long as you maintain relatively good physical and mental conditioning, it’s never to late to learn scuba diving. May divers continue into their 70’s and 80’s. You must be 12 or older to take this program at Scuba Fusion in San Mateo and or in Palo Alto or Monterey.
Do I need to visit the store before the program starts?
Yes! in fact the Professional Association of Diving instructors require it. Come to the store 7 – 14 days before class begins to do the orientation. You will be sizing the instructional gear such as wetsuits and BCs that will be used in the pool. You will be filling out the medical release and liability in person (cannot be done remotely or last minute). Personal gear needs to be selected if needed. There is a lot to be done before a PADI scuba class begins and it cannot be done remotely due to standards set fourth by the scuba training agency. You should receive a welcome e-mail with instructions that explain in detail the steps required to be ready for your upcoming program.
Whats this about a SCUBA Medical Questionnaire?
Liability and Medical Before class begins you will need to fill out the official PADI medical waiver in person a week or two before your class. It contains 24 “Yes” or “No” questions. A “Yes” answer on the medical means that you will not be able to participate as scheduled unless you obtain medical approval from your primary care in the form of a completed PADI medical release form. Unfortunately, divers who arrive the day of class with a “Yes” answer and without a release from their doctor will be sent home. Come to the store and fill out this form weeks before class begins in case you have any significant “Yes” answers. Find links to the sample medical and the doctor's waiver here: Sample Medical Form Questions
Whats this about a SWIM TEST?
You don’t need to be a strong swimmer or an athlete to scuba dive, but some degree of comfort in the water certainly helps. The PADI swim test or swim evaluation will be conducted at the pool. Divers will demonstrate that they can comfortably maintain themselves in water too deep in which to stand by completing a 10-minute swim/ float without using any swim aids. Candidates will also complete a 200 metre/yard continuous surface swim or a 300 metre/ yard swim with mask, fins and snorkel. The test is pass or fail but can be retaken at the next available pool class – the first retake is free of charge.
What personal scuba diving gear do we need to buy?
You will need to have a mask, snorkel, fins, boots and gloves to take scuba lessons anywhere. Get them from the store you are taking lessons with. These items cannot be rented due to comfort, fit and personal safety – this is not a snorkeling class in Maui. You will be training to depths of up to 60ft. Please ask us about course gear before you invest! Cutting corners by purchasing from “Cost Mart” will only set you back with a re-buy. You cannot know how a mask will fit until you are in the water. Plastic lens masks and flimsy child sized snorkeling fins will not do for a scuba course. Saving $20 on a cheap pair of fins is not worth it when they fall off 60ft below the ocean’s surface. Please plan your class at least one week in advance. This will allow you ample time to choose your personal gear. Please do not wait until the last minute. We may not have your size or color choice available. Scuba Fusion now offers a no questions asked return policy on snorkeling gear. During your class, if you are not comfortable with it in the pool – exchange it for another or take store credit (Policy good for Scuba Fusion students only during the class/pool portion of the Open Water Course).
Do I need to have transportation during the course?
Bring a car or truck to class. Students provide their own transportation. During dive training students will be taking and transporting diving equipment for use in their class. This includes such things as diving cylinders, weight belts, wetsuits and any diving equipment needed for the class. Services such as Uber and Lyft are used by students often. Transporting wet diving equipment can cause damage to stereo equipment, paper documents and anything that may have an adverse reaction to fresh or salt water. If the fact/idea that water may damage a stereo, cell phone or any electronics for that matter is a new concept to you, we would suggest dropping the idea of taking scuba lessons and pursue another less academically demanding sport.
Can’t rent mask, snorkel, fins?
Scuba personal gear is life support and must fit properly. It must be perfectly sized and proofed in a pool before attempting to take it down to 60-100 feet in open ocean. The last thing you want to do is blow your ocean checkout dives because of a rental mask that leaked and a snorkel that has been in 1500 other peoples mouths before yours. We are a diving school first and retail store second. Stocked equipment is selected and placed on the shelves by instructors that teach on a weekly basis. They want nothing to go wrong with you and yours at 50 feet in Monterey – they know what works and what does not. We understand when a diver candidate is planning to backpack through Thailand and does not want to carry it – In that case we say stick to snorkeling and stay clear of diving until you are ready to take it seriously! All of us here have witnessed first hand the failed use of child like snorkel kits bought from save mart or borrowed poorly fitting masks from uncle Bob. Please buy from the store you are taking lessons with and get some good personal gear. You will be able to exchange purchased gear during pool sessions. This process of trial and error will better your odds of passing your ocean checkout dives. Please plan your class at least one week in advance. This will allow you ample time to choose your snorkeling gear. Please do not wait until the last minute. We may not have your size or color choice available.
What is my program’s schedule?
Schedule A Must read welcome email is sent out to divers booking the class online or at the store. The welcome message includes a detailed schedule of the course you have chosen to take. This email will be sent once staff at Scuba Fusion have reviewed and processed your order. Check our contact page to see our hours of operation. If you booked online a great way to find this information out is to go back to the website and look at the program you booked. Directions Palo Alto Program: Directions to the pool meeting place are handed out to divers at the store in-person during the orientation. San Mateo Program: Directions to the pool meeting places are handed out during the first class session at the store.
What do I need to buy for the scuba class
Personal gear is life support and is needed to take lessons anywhere and cannot be rented. A mask, snorkel boots, fins and gloves (gloves optional for referrals) are all that is required. The rest is included free of charge! Get some good personal gear from the Scuba Fusion store because you will be able to exchange it during pool sessions. This process of trial and error will better your odds of passing your ocean checkout dives. Cutting corners by purchasing from “Cost Mart” will only set you back with a re-buy. Plastic lens masks and flimsy child sized snorkeling fins will not do for an Open Water Course. Saving $20 on a cheap pair of fins is not worth it when they fall off 60 feet below the ocean’s surface. Plan your class at least one week in advance. This will allow you ample time to size your snorkeling gear. Please do not wait until the last minute. We may not have your size or color choice available. Scuba Fusion now offers a no questions asked return policy on snorkeling gear. During your class, if you are not comfortable with it in the pool – exchange it for another or take store credit. (Policy good for Scuba Fusion students only during the class/pool portion of the Open Water Course)
I signed up online was someone supposed to contact me?
Yes! after registration a very important welcome e-mail with detailed instructions is sent to you. The email is sent out after staff have reviewed and processed your order. This may take a moment. Check your spam and junk folders. Also, check our contact page for our hours of operation. It may be a holiday. Approximately 7 days before the start of your class a staff member will call you by phone to make sure you are ready to start. If you have not been e-mailed or called then please contact the store immediately and confirm that your contact information on file with us is correct. Check your spam folders and review any messages left on your voice mail.
What happens if I don’t do well enough in the pool?
Your instructor may recommend or even require that you take an additional pool training session before moving forward(additional fees will apply). Many of us don’t take this kind of news well and the decision may interfere with vacation plans. It may also save your life. Your instructor has experience teaching basic pool sessions and knows what the ocean sessions will demand of you. Listen to your instructor when they quietly pull you aside and recommend a recycle. Your instructor must adhere to a set of standards set by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors(PADI) and the RSTC. They have years of experience and training assessing would be graduates. Trust your instructor’s decision.


Why choose Scuba Fusion?
PADI is the worlds leading scuba training agency – Scuba Fusion is a PADI dive center and proud of it! Make sure your school is PADI and your certification will be recognized worldwide!
Can I bring family and friends to my program?
Yes, and No. Happy to have family and friends assisting or providing moral support to a student during the Open Water Course. However, guests are not welcome into the water to participate or assist in any part of the PADI Open Water Diver Course. Come to the pool, come to the beach and hangout but don't get in the water. Guests are not licensed or insured to teach the PADI Open Water Course. By assisting they place themselves and the instructor in an unfavorable litigious position. It is also a clear violation of agency standards to have non professionally licensed assistance in class, pool or ocean sessions. Again, this places the instructor and dive school into an unfavorable legal position and may jeopardize their teaching credentials.  The Scuba Fusion Dive Center AND its instructors reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Exception: A guest can dive by purchasing a refresher program so they can participate in pool dives and or they can purchase the ocean dives program and then be paired with their friend while in Monterey. This way the instructor and guest/student are in a safe and legal umbrella. Instructor's opinion: "Thank you but we do not need your help.  Help by cheering them on from the pool deck and beach."

Other Questions

Do I need a swim suit?
Yes! You must bring a swimsuit to your scuba program. Divers generally wear swimsuits under wetsuits at the pool but also at Monterey. You will need a swimsuit for the pool training and also the swim evaluation. The swim evaluation will be completed at the pool either Saturday or Sunday. Swim Evaluation: You don’t need to be a strong swimmer or an athlete to scuba dive, but some degree of comfort in the water certainly helps.The PADI swim test or swim evaluation will be conducted at the pool. Divers will demonstrate that they can comfortably maintain themselves in water too deep in which to stand by completing a 10-minute swim/ float without using any swim aids. Candidates will also complete a 200 metre/yard continuous surface swim or a 300 metre/ yard swim with mask, fins and snorkel. The test is pass or fail but can be retaken at the next available pool class – the first retake is free of charge.
I am a warm water diver is Cold Water Diving for me?
If you are coming from warm water and have not been diving in cold water – try one of our beginner guided dives in Monterey before attempting the Advanced course. We love to dive in beautiful tropicalesque Monterey. It’s just a 90 minute drive from San Mateo. And on a hot summer’s day with crystal clear water it is akin to a day on the beach in Hawaii. However, it can be a difficult learning experience for beginner students who are not comfortable in the ocean, are extremely prone to seasickness, or are claustrophobic. The water is cold, 50ish degrees, so we wear thicker wetsuits, gloves, which require us to wear more lead weight than you wore on the nice fun Hawaii dive complete with Chi Chis. The extra weight and suits make learning to dive in Monterey challenging.
Too young too old?
You must be 12 or older to take this program at Scuba Fusion. Scuba diving is a nondiscriminatory activity. Anyone with the physical ability to handle the equipment and the emotional maturity to comprehend the rules and take responsibility for his or her safety and that of his dive buddy, can scuba dive safely and enjoyably. There is no upper age limit on learning to scuba dive. Certain conditions my preclude those of any age from diving, temporarily or permanently, especially conditions associated with lung functions. As long as you maintain relatively good physical and mental conditioning, it’s never to late to learn scuba diving. May divers continue into their 70’s and 80’s. You must be 12 or older to take this program at Scuba Fusion in San Mateo and or in Palo Alto or Monterey.
Taking advice from non-instructors?
Everybody has an opinion about learning to dive, scuba diving, and scuba equipment. Be careful! Some opinions may come from a place of inexperience. Listening to their advice may actually endanger you. Listen to the advice of your professionally licensed diving instructor. Instructors: Your licensed PADI instructor is in the water each week turning novice divers into pros. Has spent years of dedication becoming a better instructor by participating in continuing education. Has attended professional seminars and worked daily with other dive professionals. The only opinion to value is that of your professional dive instructor. Equipment: Many experienced divers recommend older gear to new students Old and antiquated equipment from yesteryear can save you some rental money but can also get you killed. Yes, much of the antiques you see in dive museums worked and worked well and are still seen in one form or another on the market today. However, some of it can be downright dangerous to the end user. CO2 inflated BCDs and old steal 72 tanks onced used by navy frogmen in the 40s can be a liability. They recommend it because it worked and worked for them. However, a lot has changed in efficiency and safety with training and equipment over the years. Wake up and make your own decisions when learning to dive – it is directly related to your safety and well being.
Can I bring family and friends to my program?
Yes, and No. Happy to have family and friends assisting or providing moral support to a student during the Open Water Course. However, guests are not welcome into the water to participate or assist in any part of the PADI Open Water Diver Course. Come to the pool, come to the beach and hangout but don't get in the water. Guests are not licensed or insured to teach the PADI Open Water Course. By assisting they place themselves and the instructor in an unfavorable litigious position. It is also a clear violation of agency standards to have non professionally licensed assistance in class, pool or ocean sessions. Again, this places the instructor and dive school into an unfavorable legal position and may jeopardize their teaching credentials.  The Scuba Fusion Dive Center AND its instructors reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Exception: A guest can dive by purchasing a refresher program so they can participate in pool dives and or they can purchase the ocean dives program and then be paired with their friend while in Monterey. This way the instructor and guest/student are in a safe and legal umbrella. Instructor's opinion: "Thank you but we do not need your help.  Help by cheering them on from the pool deck and beach."
Is learning to scuba dive difficult?
As active recreational pastimes go, scuba diving is one of the easiest to learn. While you’re gliding around enjoying the underwater sights, you’re engaged in only three basic skills: floating, kicking, and breathing. Of course, there’s more to it than that – becoming proficient at using the equipment and developing knowledge of scuba concepts and safety procedures – but if you breathe through your mouth, chances are you can lean to scuba dive. Learning to scuba dive is mostly a matter of attitude. If you are motivated to step through the door into an exciting new world, then the experience will prove both energizing and confidence-building.
Is the SCUBA diving equipment difficult to use?
The bulky scuba gear worn by many divers may seem intimidating, but learning to use it is straightforward. If you’have snorkeled, you’re already familiar with the mask, snorkel and fins. The scuba unit consists of an air cylinder containing compressed breathing gas, buoyancy compensator (BC) jacket to help you float on the surface and maintain your desired depth underwater, and a regulator for you to breathe through. The exposure protection keeps you warm when diving in cool-water environments.
Don’t take a diving class unless YOU really want to
Don’t let anybody twist your arm into taking a dive class. We have seen it time and time again where the spouse, son or daughter have been talked into taking the course but really have no interest in diving at all. You are the one getting certified not them getting you certified. Make sure you want to get certified. Please reconsider taking scuba lessons at all. It is a very safe activity but it can also be a very unforgiving activity. If you have little or no interest in diving physics and how the equipment works you may be putting yourself in danger. Take up snow boarding instead.
I am not getting any reply from your company
Sometimes, emails goes to SPAM, so also check your SPAM(JUNK) and Promotions emails. If you haven't receive any email from us email us at the address found on our contact page.

Nitrox Online

What is the cost price?
To find out the price of a scuba class use our website www.scubafusion.com and drill down to the individual class that you booked or are booking.  Up to date pricing will be found there.
How long is Nitrox Online?
Anywhere from 4 to 8 hours is what we have heard from students.

Advanced Program

What is the cost price?
To find out the price of a scuba class use our website www.scubafusion.com and drill down to the individual class that you booked or are booking.  Up to date pricing will be found there.
Do I need a swim suit?
Yes! You must bring a swimsuit to your scuba program. Divers generally wear swimsuits under wetsuits at the pool but also at Monterey. You will need a swimsuit for the pool training and also the swim evaluation. The swim evaluation will be completed at the pool either Saturday or Sunday. Swim Evaluation: You don’t need to be a strong swimmer or an athlete to scuba dive, but some degree of comfort in the water certainly helps.The PADI swim test or swim evaluation will be conducted at the pool. Divers will demonstrate that they can comfortably maintain themselves in water too deep in which to stand by completing a 10-minute swim/ float without using any swim aids. Candidates will also complete a 200 metre/yard continuous surface swim or a 300 metre/ yard swim with mask, fins and snorkel. The test is pass or fail but can be retaken at the next available pool class – the first retake is free of charge.
Equipment needed for the Advanced Scuba Course?
It is best to check the website for details regarding your chosen class.  A welcome email is also sent to you with instructions on how to prepare for the class and includes a list of needed equipment. Most Advanced programs require that divers have a cutting tool of some kind.  A diving knife for example.  A compass that may or may not be provided in rental.  A computer or diving tables whichever the diver or instructor chooses to use.  This is the 21st century and we are pretty much all using computers now.  Think iphone vs old school flip phones.  You will find some hold outs out there. Some rental regs include computers.  Some programs ask divers to have reels and SMBs and other tools depending on the mission.
Do I have to visit the store?
Yes! Come to the store 7 – 14 days before the course begins to pickup the Advanced manual which houses the homework. You will want to size and reserve any rental gear you may need (wetsuit, bcd, reg set etc). Liability and medical information must be filed at the store. You will also need some personal gear for this course. There is a lot to be done before a PADI scuba class begins and it cannot be done remotely due to standards set fourth by the scuba training agency. You should receive a welcome e-mail with instructions that explain in detail the steps required to be ready for your upcoming program.
I am a warm water diver is Cold Water Diving for me?
If you are coming from warm water and have not been diving in cold water – try one of our beginner guided dives in Monterey before attempting the Advanced course. We love to dive in beautiful tropicalesque Monterey. It’s just a 90 minute drive from San Mateo. And on a hot summer’s day with crystal clear water it is akin to a day on the beach in Hawaii. However, it can be a difficult learning experience for beginner students who are not comfortable in the ocean, are extremely prone to seasickness, or are claustrophobic. The water is cold, 50ish degrees, so we wear thicker wetsuits, gloves, which require us to wear more lead weight than you wore on the nice fun Hawaii dive complete with Chi Chis. The extra weight and suits make learning to dive in Monterey challenging.
Homework for the PADI Advanced program?
Yes! You will want to get started on the homework at least 7-14 days in advance of your class start date. This means filling out the Knowledge Reviews found at the end of each of the assigned chapters in the Advanced Diver manual which you must pick up at the store. Homework is required to be completed before class begins. If you purchased the Advanced course eLearning program then it must be complete before certification can be issued. eLearners receive a Access pass by e-mail that allows them to get started on the program as soon as possible. You will also receive a welcome e-mail from your instructor assigning the elective dives. If you do not have your Access pass check your spam folders if not there then call the store.
Was I supposed to get an email after signing up?
Yes! after registration a very important welcome e-mail with detailed instructions is sent to you. If you have not been e-mailed then please contact the store immediately and confirm that your contact information on file with us is correct. Check your spam folders and review any messages left on your voice mail.
Can I rent personal gear for the advanced course?
This is not a snorkeling class in Hawaii! Personal gear is life support and must fit properly. It must be perfectly sized and proofed before attempting to take it down to 60-100 feet in open ocean. The last thing you want to do is blow your ocean advanced dives because of a rental mask that leaked and a snorkel that has been in 1500 other peoples mouths before yours. We are a diving school first and retail store second. Stocked equipment is selected and placed on the shelves by instructors that teach on a weekly basis. They want nothing to go wrong with you and yours at 50 feet in Monterey – they know what works and what does not. We understand when a diver candidate is planning to backpack through Thailand and does not want to carry it – In that case we say stick to snorkeling and stay clear of diving until you are ready to commit and take it seriously! All of us here have witnessed first hand the failed use of child like snorkel kits bought from save mart or borrowed poorly fitting masks from uncle Bob. Please buy from the store you are taking lessons with and get some good personal gear. Cutting corners by purchasing from “Cost Mart” will only set you back with a re-buy. Plastic lens masks and flimsy child sized snorkeling fins will not do for an Open Water Course. Saving $20 on a cheap pair of fins is not worth it when they fall off 60 feet below the ocean’s surface. Please plan your class at least one week in advance. This will allow you ample time to choose your personal gear. Please do not wait until the last minute. We may not have your size or color choice available.

Guided Dives

What is the cost price?
To find out the price of a scuba class use our website www.scubafusion.com and drill down to the individual class that you booked or are booking.  Up to date pricing will be found there.
Guided beach dives
Divers need to have their own gear and will need to come into the store to pick it up.  It is recommended to do this 2 or 3 days before the dive.  Important to note that there is a gear checklist included with the directions.  Our staff is good at what they do but they are human so please review the checklist before leaving the store.  You can find the checklist and directions to the dive site attached. The beach dives will be in 50 – 56 degree cold water.  This means to stay warm we will be using thick 7mm 2 piece suits, 3-5mm gloves,  5-7mm hoods and open heal fins used with 5mm boots.  This additional buoyant gear means we will need to dive with more lead weight.  A 180lb diver may carry 30lbs of lead around their waist or distributed into the jacket.  This kind of diving is very different from the warm water Hawaiian or Caribbean diving that requires shorts, t-shirt and 4lbs of lead.  If you have done most of your diving in warm water let us know so that your guide can better serve you.  Be prepared for an adjustment. Gear: You will need your own personal gear including mask, snorkel, boots, fins and gloves.  We do not rent personal gear items.  These must be your own.  I recommend picking them up here at the store.  We have good prices and can work an exchange if you are having any issues. Diving gear is very different than the cheap Sports Serority snorkeling kits. Buying Guide Personal Gear > We rent the rest of the items needed.  That is a 2 piece wetsuit 7mm, BCD, weights and belt, hood 5mm and cylinder. The diving in Monterey can be great some days and other days the viz may be a bit short with large waves at the entry.  If we are lucky we will see a flat day with sea lions, sea otters and everything else living in the kelp forests of the bay.


What is the cost price?
To find out the price of a scuba class use our website www.scubafusion.com and drill down to the individual class that you booked or are booking.  Up to date pricing will be found there.
Drysuits for the beginner program?
Training Coordinator and lead instructor Ron Carter says, "Negative and no way! Too much of a learning curve to have students wearing drysuits during the beginner pool and ocean dives. It can be dangerous to overload beginners with too many tasks. Task loading is not fun or even fare to customers. It won't be needed in Monterey for students anyways. The dives are short and students tend to be more focused on skills than they are on a minor shiver. Think about drysuits after the program when you are certified."
Will I need new fins with a new drysuit?
Be aware that dry suits come with built in socks. These socks tend to increase your foot size. Your existing boot and fin combination may not work for the drysuit program. A new pair of boots and or fins may be in your near future. Many dry suit divers have two sets of fins – one for wet suit diving and another for dry suit diving.
Do you rent drysuits?
It is not recommended to rent a drysuit for many reasons. Firstly each time you rent a suit you will be going through a whole new learning curve. Each suit model behaves differently and must be learned. Ask yourself if you can escape a runaway ascent using techniques learned during your course with a rental suit you have never worn before on a deep dive in Greenland? Renting suits should be avoided if possible. Also, most shops including Scuba Fusion do not rent drysuits regularly. The boots on drysuits also vary. Some are hard boots that are very large and some are soft. Will your existing fins fit over a rental drysuit in Seattle? If you are of a unique body shape and size chances are rental departments will not carry it. Get fitted for a new suit at Scuba Fusion and we will include 2 dives in Monterey with an instructor to sort out your new toy.
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Scuba Diving Classes